Unknown yet Well Known

Many of us seek to be known by men and have the applause of men, but it’s more important to be known by God and have the applause of Heaven. Unknown to the masses, but known intimately by God is better than being known by the masses and unknown by the Father of all creation.... Continue Reading →


Peace is not the absence of pressure, pain, and problems; it is the presence of Jesus calming our minds & hearts in the midst of them. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You.  Isaiah 26:3 The Lord gives His people strength.  The Lord blesses them with peace.  Psalm 29:11 Don’t... Continue Reading →

From “Baca” to Blessings

Those who will not praise God when things are going well are certainly not likely to praise God when things are not going well.   However, this is exactly what is needed most when we pass through the "Valley of Baca" as referenced in Psalm 84.  The Valley of Baca or "Valley of Weeping," refers to the various difficulties that... Continue Reading →

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